Before you cross the threshold, it is my privilege to introduce you to the wonderful woman, author, poet and artist who lives within these pages.

Cecelia makes and leaves lasting, soul-deep impressions whether you are meeting her through her poetry and art or meeting her as a host, homemaker, healer,
friend, sister, daughter, mother, wife, a member of your community or simply as a stranger who happens to pass the time with you. Cecelia inhabits these roles and imbues her creations with a living love, a caring presence and a generosity of spirit that surpasses that of most people I know.

Everyone is special and unique but Cecelia is one of those rare beings whose individuality is immediately apparent in everything she says, does and creates. Conversations with Cecelia reveal a funny, fierce and tender woman who uses her bright intelligence to search for elements which she can bring together in service of compassion, wisdom, healing and ultimately of love. It shows in the wonderful and evolving decorations and projects in her home, in that exquisite cupcake offered at tea or the vase of wild flowers with a little handmade card by your guest bed. It shines through in the poetry and art you are about to explore.

Specialness comes in many forms: it could be an unusual choice of colour or word, a world healing philosophy or the frozen raspberries in your elderflower cordial! Sometimes the offerings in this book are wild and exciting with a rawness and depth, which can be painful and joyful in turns. At other times, what comes across is a subtle and sharp softness within which the essence of an image or experience is distilled, leaving clear reflections in heart and mind. Part of the pleasure of this collection is its range of moods: humour and heartache, loving appreciation, searing insight and rage are all included here on equal footing.

To be intimate with life, to care so much and love so deeply while having an uncompromising commitment to being real, is not an easy combination of life choices for anyone to make. It takes great strength and courage. Cecelia’s sensitivity to the world and all that is in it, both beautiful and terrible, gifts us with her creations and her vision. From the first moment that I met Cecelia, she changed and enriched my life. It is a pure delight for me that Cecelia has now chosen to open and share this collection of her treasures with the wider world.

Kathy Fried
Easter 2021